WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for CRS


WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for  CRS

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is an essential subject in the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) exam, testing students on biblical teachings, moral lessons, and Christian ethics.

Every year, specific topics and questions are frequently repeated.

Preparing for these WAEC top repeated topics and questions for CRS helps students score higher.

This article provides an in-depth look at WAEC top repeated topics and questions for CRS 2024, including objective and theory questions, BECE CRS questions, and JAMB CRS questions.WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for CRS

By focusing on common topics and past questions, students can improve their understanding and readiness for WAEC CRS exams.

Arewacampus Contents

Common Topics in WAEC CRS

Certain topics consistently appear in WAEC CRS exams.

These topics come from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Christian Ethics.

1. Creation and the Fall of Man

The story of creation (Genesis 1 & 2)

The fall of man and its consequences (Genesis 3)

God’s plan for redemption

2. Call of God and Leadership

Call of Abraham and God’s covenant with him (Genesis 12)

Call of Moses and the deliverance of Israel (Exodus 3)

Call of Samuel and his role as a prophet (1 Samuel 3)

3. Leadership and Kingship in Israel

Role of Judges (Deborah, Gideon, Samuel)

Kingship of Saul, David, and Solomon

Leadership challenges and God’s guidance

4. The Ministry of Jesus Christ

Baptism and temptation of Jesus (Matthew 3 & 4)

Miracles of Jesus and their significance

Parables and their moral lessons

5. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus

The Last Supper and Jesus’ betrayal

The crucifixion and resurrection

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)

6. The Growth of the Early Church

Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2)

Works and challenges of the apostles (Peter and Paul)

Persecution and expansion of the church

7. Christian Ethics and Moral Teachings

Love, justice, and forgiveness

Christian responsibility in society

Faith, obedience, and humility

WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for CRS

In every academic term, WAEC structures CRS topics to align with major biblical teachings.

Below are WAEC top repeated topics and questions for CRS term-wise.

First Term

1. What are the two accounts of creation in Genesis?

2. Explain the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience.

3. How did Abraham demonstrate faith in God?

4. Discuss the leadership qualities of Moses.

Second Term

1. Describe the reign of King Saul and his downfall.

2. How did David establish a strong kingdom in Israel?

3. What role did prophets like Elijah and Elisha play in Israel?

4. Explain the message of Jeremiah to the Israelites.

Third Term

1. What were the teachings of Jesus about love and forgiveness?

2. Discuss the significance of Jesus’ miracles.

3. How did the Holy Spirit empower the early Christians?

4. Explain the missionary journeys of Paul.

WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for CRS 2024

For WAEC 2024 CRS, some frequently tested questions include:

1. Describe the call of Abraham and its significance.

2. What leadership qualities did Moses demonstrate?

3. Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in the early church.

4. Discuss the teachings of Jesus on love and humility.

5. What lessons can be learned from the parable of the Prodigal Son?

6. Explain how Paul spread the gospel to the Gentiles.

7. What is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

8. How did persecution help spread Christianity in the early church?

WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for CRS 2021

WAEC 2021 CRS exam also included many familiar topics. Some of the top repeated questions from that year are:

1. Explain the story of creation and its moral lessons.

2. Describe the encounter between Moses and Pharaoh in Egypt.

3. What led to Saul’s rejection as king of Israel?

4. Discuss the significance of Jesus’ baptism.

5. How did the apostles respond to the persecution they faced?

6. Describe the teachings of Jesus on faith and prayer.

7. What are the characteristics of a true Christian disciple?

CRS Objective Questions for WAEC

WAEC CRS objectives test candidates’ knowledge of biblical facts, doctrines, and interpretations. Here are some common CRS objective questions:

Who was the first king of Israel?

A. David

B. Solomon

C. Saul

D. Samuel
(Answer: C. Saul)

Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

A. Mount Sinai

B. Mount Olives

C. Mount Zion

D. Mount Carmel
(Answer: A. Mount Sinai)

The first miracle of Jesus took place at a

A. Wedding

B. Funeral

C. Baptism

D. Temple
(Answer: A. Wedding)

What is the meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan?

A. Love your neighbor

B. Obey the law

C. Respect your elders

D. Avoid strangers
(Answer: A. Love your neighbor)

Practicing objective questions helps candidates improve their speed and accuracy.

BECE CRS Questions

The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for CRS tests students at the junior secondary school level. Some commonly asked questions include:

1. Describe the story of Noah’s Ark and its significance.

2. Explain the role of Joseph in Egypt.

3. What were the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?

4. Discuss the leadership of David as king of Israel.

5. How did Jesus demonstrate humility during His ministry?

Students preparing for BECE CRS should focus on biblical narratives and their moral lessons.

JAMB CRS Questions

For students taking the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) CRS exam, here are some likely questions:

Who was the first high priest of Israel?

A. Moses

B. Aaron

C. Samuel

D. Joshua
(Answer: B. Aaron)

What was the main message of Prophet Isaiah?

A. Judgment and salvation

B. Wealth and prosperity

C. Law and obedience

D. Kingship and power
(Answer: A. Judgment and salvation)

The Beatitudes are found in which book of the Bible?

A. Mark

B. Luke

C. John

D. Matthew
(Answer: D. Matthew)

JAMB CRS covers both Old and New Testament teachings, with an emphasis on moral application.


To perform well in WAEC CRS, students should focus on common topics, past repeated questions, and biblical teachings.

Understanding parables, miracles, leadership in Israel, and the early church is essential.

By practicing WAEC CRS past questions and answers, candidates can improve their confidence and readiness for the exam.

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