WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for French Language


WAEC Top Repeated Topics and Questions for French


French is a critical subject in the West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC).

It tests students’ ability to understand, read, write, and communicate in French, as well as their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and cultural concepts.

Many candidates preparing for this exam search for WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French to focus on frequently tested areas.

Identifying these common topics and practicing past questions can significantly improve performance.

This guide provides an overview of important topics, sample questions, and effective study techniques for excelling in WAEC French.

Why Focus on Repeated Topics in WAEC French?

WAEC often tests similar topics each year, although the phrasing may vary.

By studying these WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French, students can better prepare for the exam.

Repeated exposure to these areas allows candidates to strengthen their understanding, boost confidence, and increase their chances of scoring high marks.

WAEC Top Repeated Topics for French Language

Certain topics consistently appear in WAEC French exams.

Paying attention to these areas can make preparation more efficient and effective.

1. French Grammar (Grammaire Française)

Verb conjugations (Les Conjugaisons des Verbes)

Tenses and moods (Les Temps et les Modes)

Articles and prepositions (Les Articles et Les Prépositions)

Adjectives, pronouns, and adverbs (Les Adjectifs, Les Pronoms, et Les Adverbes)

Sentence structure and word order (La Structure des Phrases et L’Ordre des Mots)

2. French Vocabulary (Vocabulaire Français)

Everyday vocabulary (Le Vocabulaire Quotidien)

Words related to professions, family, and school (Les Mots Relatifs aux Professions, à la Famille, et à l’École)

Synonyms and antonyms (Les Synonymes et Les Antonymes)

Idiomatic expressions and their meanings (Les Expressions Idiomatiques et Leur Sens)

French proverbs and sayings (Les Proverbes et Les Dictons Français)

3. Comprehension and Translation (Compréhension et Traduction)

Understanding French comprehension passages (Compréhension de Textes en Français)

Translating short texts from French to English and vice versa (Traduction de Textes en Français et en Anglais)

Answering questions based on reading passages (Répondre aux Questions Basées sur des Textes)

Summarizing French passages in a few sentences (Résumé de Textes Français)

4. French Composition and Writing (Composition et Rédaction)

Writing letters, essays, and narratives in French (Écrire des Lettres, des Essais, et des Récits en Français)

Constructing dialogues and short plays (Rédaction de Dialogues et de Courtes Pièces)

Descriptive and argumentative essays (Les Rédactions Descriptives et Argumentatives)

Formal and informal writing styles (Les Styles de Rédaction Formels et Informels)

5. Listening and Speaking Skills (Compétences d’Écoute et d’Expression Orale)

Listening to short audio passages in French and answering questions (Écoute de Passages Audio et Réponses aux Questions)

Oral exercises, such as reading aloud and role-playing (Exercices Oraux : Lecture à Haute Voix et Jeux de Rôles)

Pronunciation and intonation (Prononciation et Intonation)

Simple conversation topics (Sujets de Conversations Simples)

Sample WAEC French Past Questions and Answers

Practicing WAEC French past questions helps students become familiar with the exam format.

Below are some examples of commonly repeated questions and answers:

WAEC French Past Questions (Objective Section)

1. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb:
Ils __________ (aller) à l’école chaque jour.
a) vais
b) vont
c) va
d) allons

Sample Answer:
Question: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb:
Answer: b) vont

2. Which of the following words is a synonym for “grand”?
a) Petit
b) Énorme
c) Léger
d) Faible

Sample Answer:
Question: Which of the following words is a synonym for “grand”?
Answer: b) Énorme

WAEC French Past Questions (Theory Section)

Theory questions often test students’ ability to write in French or understand more complex texts.

Question 1: Translate the following sentence into English:
“Le professeur a donné des devoirs à tous les élèves.”
Sample Answer:
“The teacher gave homework to all the students.”

Question 2: Write a short essay in French about your favorite hobby.
Sample Answer:
Mon passe-temps préféré est la lecture.

J’aime lire des romans et des magazines.

Chaque soir, je lis pendant une heure avant de me coucher.

Cela m’aide à apprendre de nouveaux mots et à améliorer mon vocabulaire en français.

FAQs on WAEC French Language

1. WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French language

Common topics include verb conjugations, reading comprehension, translation exercises, and French vocabulary related to daily life and culture.

2. WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French 2025

In 2025, candidates should expect questions on grammar (tenses and moods), writing tasks (letters, essays), and comprehension passages that test reading and translation skills.

3. WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French 2025

For 2025,  WAEC frequently tested French grammar topics (articles, adjectives), vocabulary, and short compositions.

Understanding these areas provided a strong foundation for the exam.

4. Where can I find WAEC French past questions and answers?

WAEC French past questions are available in official WAEC revision guides, language textbooks, and online educational platforms that focus on French language resources.

5. Where can I find French past questions for JSS3 with answers?

French past questions for JSS3 can be found in junior secondary school revision textbooks, French language workbooks, and online learning portals designed for JSS3 students.

6. What are French examination questions like?

French examination questions typically involve grammar exercises, reading comprehension passages, translation tasks, and short essay writing.

They may also include listening and speaking components.

How to Prepare Effectively for WAEC French

To excel in WAEC French, candidates should:

Review WAEC French Syllabus: Studying the official syllabus ensures all key topics are covered.

Practice Past Questions: Solving previous years’ questions helps students identify common patterns and improve their speed.

Expand Vocabulary: Learning new French words and phrases, as well as reviewing synonyms and antonyms, enhances reading and writing skills.

Engage With French Media: Watching French movies, listening to French songs, and reading French newspapers can improve comprehension and pronunciation.

Practice Speaking and Writing: Regularly writing short essays and practicing dialogues strengthens both written and oral skills.

Join Study Groups: Collaborating with peers allows students to practice speaking, exchange ideas, and clarify difficult concepts.


Preparing for WAEC French involves focusing on WAEC top repeated topics and questions for French, practicing past papers, and developing a solid grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.

By identifying frequently tested areas, students can structure their studies more effectively, gain confidence, and perform well in the exam.

With consistent practice and the right resources, success in WAEC French is achievable.

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