Examination malpractice is a pressing issue in educational systems worldwide, undermining the value of academic assessments and fair competition.
What is Examination?
An examination is a structured method used to evaluate a person’s knowledge, skills, or performance in a specific subject. It serves as a benchmark for academic progress and helps institutions measure students’ readiness for the next academic level or career opportunities.
What is Examination Malpractice?
Examination malpractice refers to dishonest or unethical actions taken during examinations to gain an unfair advantage. These acts include cheating, using unauthorized resources, impersonation, or altering grades. The sole aim of this is to pass the examination without working hard for it.
Who Are the People Involved in Examination Malpractice?
The people involved in examination malpractice include students, teachers, invigilators, parents, and sometimes external agents.
Students are usually the primary culprits; they want to pass their exams without reading.
How Does Examination Malpractice Affect Academic Performance?
Examination malpractice negatively impacts academic performance, thereby fostering dependency on cheating rather than genuine learning.
Invigilators and teachers are likely to encourage examination Malpractice by paying off the invigilators to allow the students to be involved in Malpractice.
Parents, on the other hand, sponsor their children to do exam malpractice by paying the malpractice fee or paying extra money for their kids to pass.
Forms of Examination Malpractice
Examination malpractice takes various forms, including:
Cheating: Using hidden notes, mobile phones, or other unauthorized aids.
Impersonation: When someone else takes the exam on behalf of a student.
Bribery: Paying invigilators or officials for favorable treatment.
Collusion: Students collaborate to share answers during an exam.
Question Leakage: Gaining access to exam questions before the test.
What Are the 10 Effects of Examination Malpractice?
1. Weakens academic integrity in educational institutions.
2. Devalues certificates and academic qualifications.
3. Discourages diligent study habits among students.
4. Leads to poor knowledge retention and application.
5. Contributes to high unemployment due to lack of skills.
6. Encourages corruption in society.
7. Erodes trust in the education system.
8. Lowers self-esteem and confidence among students.
9. Causes financial loss due to exam retakes or legal penalties.
10. Results in suspensions, expulsions, or career setbacks.
What Are the Disadvantages of Examination Malpractice?
Examination malpractice undermines the credibility of educational systems and promotes dishonesty. It leads to underqualified graduates, weakens institutional reputation, and hinders societal development. Additionally, it fosters a culture of shortcuts, leaving students unprepared for real-world challenges.
Solutions to Examination Malpractice
What are the solutions to examination Malpractice? There are many things to put in place that will mark as a solution to examination Malpractice.
1. Strict enforcement of examination rules and regulations.
2. Use of surveillance technologies like CCTV in exam halls.
3. Adequate training and supervision of invigilators and examiners.
4. Creating awareness about the long-term effects of Malpractice.
5. Imposing severe penalties for those caught in the act.
6. Encouraging ethical academic behavior through counseling and mentorship.
7. Providing adequate preparation resources to reduce the temptation to cheat.
If you are sitting for WAEC, this article 14 Secret to pass WAEC will help you alot.
1. What Type of Crime is Examination Malpractice?
Examination malpractice is a form of fraud and academic dishonesty. It is tagged as a criminal offense, punishable by fines, suspension, or imprisonment.
2. What is the Objective of Malpractice?
The primary aim of examination malpractice is to gain an unfair academic advantage.
Bottom Line
Examination Malpractice can not only be fought by the government; the fight against examination Malpractice is a call for every student, teacher and parent to promote accountability and encourage the students to read.